"Steve, there are no words for everything you have done"
Dear Steve, Ama, and staff:
On behalf of our son, ______, our family wanted to Thank You All for everything you have done, to date, to help ______ help himself at such a young age.
Steve, there are no words for everything you have done, to ______ in a sometimes very unjust legal system and legal web. You have given him hope when there seemed to be none, you have given us hope and you have understood. How do you thank someone for their life, their child…there really are no words. We are a loving and supportive family; ______ is a loving and caring person…he's young… he unfortunately, has an addiction, which way too many young people these days seem to have fallen in to. The happiest day of our lives will be the day that the legal system truly and fully understands addiction, and the recovery world merges with the legal system in order to help these young addicts instead of crucifying them. Too many young people are having their entire lives destroyed. However, in the meantime, Steve it is people like you (and, you are very rare), who will make the greatest difference to these young (and, older) people.
We have such great admiration for you Steve, and your family. Steve, in your short years, you have done something with your life that only a few will ever do…you have dedicated your life to helping others. Oh sure, you make a good living, but in the end none of that will matter. What will matter are those people, whom you helped give them their life back, and you receive that letter or better yet you get that visit in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years or 20 years down the road when you are least expecting it, and you realize more than ever what your legacy on this Earth has been all about. You will know in those moments why you persevered in school, in your job and in your life. You truly are one in a million! And, we don't say without, also, recognizing the wonderful wife and family support system you must have standing behind you each and every day.
We watched you perform your job, we've watched your compassion, we've seen your understanding and caring side, we've watched you in court while all other lawyers were huddled together in their little box, etc. We've watched you remove yourself from that comfort zone (lawyer's box) in the courtroom, standing alone, and the confidence that radiates from you while doing so. You are your own person, your own man and you are special and unique in your field and to others.
Equally as important, we wish for you and your family a wonderful, caring and loving life. Because, we do realize you are a human being, a person who deserves to take care of yourself, also. You are needed; please try to take care of yourself too! You will never ever be forgotten by this family!